Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Ancient Love

Been thinking about ancient times....for lots of different reasons, I guess.  I've read several historical novels over the summer that make me feel like I'm re-living the past, been discussing ancient traditions and wisdom with friends, and enjoying blacksmithing all over again thanks to my husband Dan's brilliant video work he did this summer.  The result?...wonderful little medieval heart pendants destined for the upcoming Calyx show I am participating in this year on October 17th.  Hope you can come!

Now if I could just figure out how to take a decent picture of them!  *sigh*

Thursday, September 10, 2009

No Excuses...Summer is definitely over!

Ah, yes....there's no denying it any longer. My hiatus is over...the kids are back in school and I have jumped headlong into prep for an upcoming art show. So, lots to blog about, and as usual not much time for the computer. I thought I'd better stop long enough though to share this new little set I completed for a silent auction my friends are holding.

You know.....you can make meaning out of the smallest and silliest things. I love that. In this case, the challenge of finding courage in difficult times. I believe anything that can help is a blessing. Here's my attempt...
The lid of the box.

The inside cover.

The Bracelet.

The earrings.

Go on now....be brave. You've got the balls, don't you?! ;o)
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