Some might say "jack of all trades, master of none"....but I'm OK with that. I can find bliss in almost any medium and the exploration of something new is exhilarating for me. The joy is in the process. NOT focusing on the outcome removes the tension. Here's a sampling of my creative explorations:

Heaven's Window - Watercolor Mandala

Empowerment Goddess - Acrylic on canvas

Dreaming of Phi - Wall Sculpture - wood, copper, steel, glass

Blue Butterfly - Acrylic on Watercolor paper

I Love You Warts and All - Lampworked glass bead necklace

Earth Mandala - Colored pencil on black paper get the picture - ADD Artist.
Today I'm reading about pastels and thinking about attempting a self-portrait. That's something I haven't done yet....hmmmm, sounds fun!