I've been inspired by a number of things lately - Danny Gregory's blog and books, several books on art journals, working on doing regular mandalas with the help of a mentor, and blogs that have led me to discover something called a Sketchcrawl. Seems there is a worldwide "movement" if you will, bringing folks together across the globe on specific dates to sketch and share and discuss and inspire one another over coffee for the day. The idea was inspired by what most have experienced in some format - the pubcrawl. Except, this results in lovely artwork, perhaps new friends, and no hangover! What fun - community, art, coffee, friends - I can't think of a better way to spend an afternoon. The global group is now "officially" on event #19. So, with the growing community of artists here in Airdrie starting to gather and share through various events, I decided it might be fun to start a Sketchcrawl right here in our city. The good folks at Benjamin's Coffee House, who are always helping to promote the arts in our community, have accepted my request for the group to meet there on June 21st at 10am. So, those of you who see this who are in Airdrie or in the Calgary area and would like to join in a day of fun and creative sketching and general kibitzing, please just show up at Benjamin's on Saturday morning. 207, 304 Main Street Square, Airdrie, Alberta. No artistic experience of any kind is required!! Bring whatever material you like to play with: pencils, pens, watercolors, colored pencils, felt markers, a journal or other suitable paper, etc. For more information on how to participate and for clarity on what the whole thing is about see the Sketchcrawl website, blog and forums to see what the fuss is all about. Hope you will come!
I'll be there with bells on...and I've forwarded this to the ARTS Society as well.
What a nice idea! I usually get a bunch of friends together (various disciplines, like photography, painting, drawing, etc.) and we go out to a place (like a botanical garden) and then afterwards go to dinner and share what we did (digital photography being easier than traditional! :) ).
I also went on field trips with science illustrators and that was fun, too. I love the camaraderie and the inspiration/motivation that arose from the group all sketching and crawling together. :)
Thanks for publicizing this idea!
Take care,
The more the merrier I say. Ivan, I was going to tell you to join us, but I see that would be a bit of a trip for you! There is a group in San Francisco meeting on that day too. You'll be able to find out more about that if you check out the sketchcrawl blog and forums.
I too love the energy when artistic folks get together and just create - so much fun.
Thanks for the invitation in spirit! :) A sketchcrawl in SF could be fun...would give me a good excuse to make the jaunt over there--if not for the camaraderie of fellow sketchers, then for the food!
Take care,
Hi Cheryl,
Thanks for stopping by my blog and your kind comments about my work. I would love to join in a sketch crawl, but I think Calgary is just too far away. The idea of sharing a day of sketching would be a nice break from my solitary creative activities. Although, I get more done when I am focused and working in my studio, this extrovert would welcome the energy and creativity of a group.
Have fun!
I am really enjoying your blog. Not sure how I have missed it!
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